
TATU#3 (2020)

Take Away The Ugly - TATU#3

TATU#3 (2020)

Genre : Horror Punk
Released Date : 31 / Oct / 2020
  1. 01 – Somethings Wrong With Angela


Never has there been a bigger project for the virtuous 3 to have taken on! TATU#3 is a planned 20+ song romp which has already begun. Starting with the free release of “Somethings Wrong With Angela”, Take Away The Ugly delves deep into the world of Sleepaway Camp with chanting choruses of “I know somethings wrong with Angela” and “I’ve never seen a curling iron used that way!”. TATU continues to write explicitly strange horrified tunes of epic proportion.

What can you expect!? More Roger Corman references. An entire song about not having sex on Thursdays. Coffee anyone!? James Brown… Street Cats in Riggz’s basements. More Punk Rock, More Horror. Another journey through many music genre’s. Because that’s what TATU does. Play the good, the bad, but never the ugly.

Album Promo Video - Coming Soon

Take Away The Ugly - TATU#3
01 – Somethings Wrong With Angela // TATU#3 (2020)
  1. 01 – Somethings Wrong With Angela // TATU#3 (2020)